Joan Crawford - On the Radio
The radio was a powerful medium in Hollywood's heyday. Before the wonder of television, the radio was the only form of news
or entertainment that a family could tune to for updates on what was going on in the world. For that reason, many movie stars
chose radio as an outlet for self promotion. They would also lend their voices to the reading of serials and skits that would
run week in week out, just as any weekly television series would air today. Joan Crawford was no stranger to the radio and
many fans tuned into her when she honored us with her graceful voice.
Below is a list of radio broadcasts featuring "the voice" of Joan Crawford - Listed from her earliest known
recording to her last, it's a whole other career, spanning an impressive thirty years.

Within the Law (1935)

October 14, 1935 - "Lux Radio Theater" - 60 minutes. This Joan Crawford's first known performance on the radio.
(More photos from this radio broadcast can be found below in the "Photos" section.)

Shell Chateau (1936)

July 4, 1936 - Aired on the "NBC-Red Network" 9:30pm. - Joan Crawford and Franchot Tone appear in "Shell Chateau"
with Smith Ballew as master of ceremonies. This was the first radio performance since Joan and Franchot were married.
Chained (1936)

July 27, 1936 - "Chained" - 60 minutes. Starring Joan as Diane Lovering and Franchot Tone as Michael Bradley. Franchot
Tone, Joan's second husband, appeared with Joan on this hour-long program. Franchot encouraged Joan to explore radio broadcasts.
This would be the first of several radio appearances Joan and Franchot would do together. "Chained" was also a film
that Joan Crawford made with Clark Gable in 1934.
Elizabeth the Queen (1936)

October 27, 1936 - CBS - Rupert Hughes' Caravan Theater - 60 minutes - Joan co-stars with husband Franchot Tone in a play
by Maxwell Anderson that originated on Broadway, starring Lynn Fontanne and Alfred Lunt.
Love on the Run (1936)

November 1936 - "Leo on the Air" - 15 minutes. A short promo distributed by MGM to promote the upcoming film, "Love
on the Run" co-starring Clark Gable.
Mary of Scotland (1937)

May 10, 1937 - "Lux Radio Theater" - 60 minutes - Cast: Joan Crawford as Mary, Queen of Scots, Franchot Tone as
the Earl of Bothwell and Judith Anderson as Queen Elizabeth. Franchot Tone and Judith Anderson were the other performers.
Judith Anderson was a major star on Broadway throughout the 30s, 40s, and 50s. This was the third, but not the last time,
Joan would appear on the radio with second husband, Franchot Tone.
Anna Christie (1938)

February 7, 1938 - "Lux Radio Theater" - 60 minutes - Spencer Tracy appeared with Joan. "Anna Christie"
was a major film in 1930 starring Greta Garbo. Garbo was an idol to Joan Crawford. Joan not only appeared with upcoming actor,
Spencer Tracy, on this radio performance but she also stared in the major motion picture "Mannequin" the same year.
Crawford and Tracy were having a torrid love affair in 1938.
Above: Joan Crawford and Cecil B. DeMille. Marjorie Rambeau, George Marion, Sr., Joan Crawford, and Cecil B. DeMille, (left
to right), talked it over like this just before the curtain rose at the CBS "Music Box Theater" in Hollywood, California,
for the stars to go on in "Anna Christie."

Above: Joan Crawford, Rupert Hughes and Franchot Tone share a script while performing
"Elizabeth the Queen" at 'Rupert Hughes' Caravan Theater.

Above: Joan Crawford and "Shining Hour" co-star Margaret Sullavan appear together once again
on a radio version of the movie they starred in together for "The Good News of 1938."
Good News of 1938 (1938)

May 19, 1938 - NBC - 60 minutes - Robert Young was the host of this particular show, featuring other noted performers such
as, Fanny Brice, Frank Morgan, Margaret Sullavan and of course, Joan. The first play is entitled, Dark World, and Joan plays,
Carol Matthews, a patient who's just died in hospital. After hearing one of the nurses talk sadly about Carol's (Joan) unhappy
and lonely life, the listener hears Carol's (Joan) response from "the other side." When the play ends, Joan is thanked
by Robert Taylor and later they have a three way chat with Frank Morgan being the third party. Joan has trouble reading her
lines and can be heard laughing on and off throughout the rest of the Broadcast. Joan Crawford also starred in "The Shining
Hour" with Robert Young the same year as this radio broadcast. They also were in two other films together, "Today
We Live" and "The Bride Wore Red." (The "Good News of 1938" was also known as 'The Maxwell House
Hours,' 'The Maxwell House MGM Hours' and the 'Film Stars on Parade.')
A Doll's House (1938)

June 6, 1938 - Lux Radio Theater - 60 minutes - Cast: Joan Crawford as Nora Helmer and Basil Rathbone as Torvald Helmer. Also
featuring Sam Jaffee. Basil Rathbone appeared with Joan. Rathbone was a stage star in the 1920s and early 1930s. Rathbone
abandoned his first love, the theater, for a film career and appeared in many well-known films such as "A Tale of Two
Cities," "Anna Karenina," and "The Adventures of Robin Hood."
Good News of 1939 (1938)

Above: Fanny Brice and Joan Crawford.
October 20 , 1938 - 60 minutes - Robert Young hosted the show with such stars as Judy Garland, Fanny Brice, Billie Burke and
Frank Morgan appearing with Joan on this episode. Joan appears in a dramatic play with Robert Young, entitled, "The Moon
is on Fire." They play friends who've crashed their plane into the ocean, as the plane sinks, they sing, "Come Josephine."
Joan also appears in a later skit with Billie Burke and Fanny Brice, a comedy entitled, "If Women Went on Hunting Trips
as Men Do." The final song of the show is "The Bumpy Road to Love," with Judy Garland leading the sing along
and everyone else joining in. As we all know, Judy Garland, Frank Morgan and Billie Burke would go on to star in one of the
biggest movies ever, "The Wizard of Oz." Billie Burke appeared in three movies with Joan Crawford, "Forsaking
All Other," "The Bride Wore Red," and "They All Kissed the Bride." Frank Morgan appeared in two movies
with Joan Crawford, "I Live My Life" and " The Last of Mrs. Cheyney." (The "Good News of 1939"
was also known as 'The Maxwell House Hours,' 'The Maxwell House MGM Hours' and the 'Film Stars on Parade.')
Variety Review (1939)

Above: Joan Crawford and Jack Benny.
January 8, 1939 - "The Screen Guild Theater" - 30 minutes - Joan appears alongside, Judy Garland and Jack Benny.
This was Joan's third radio performance with a young Judy Garland. 1939 was a banner year for both stars, Judy Garland cemented
her career with "The Wizard of Oz" and Joan revitalized her career with the smash hit "The Women." Jack
Benny, known for his comedic genius, appeared in "Hollywood Revue of 1929" and "Hollywood Canteen" as
did Joan Crawford. Also featured in this broadcast were George Murphy, Reginald Gardiner, Ralph Morgan and the Oscar Bradley
Above: Jack Benny, George Murphy, Joan Crawford and Reginald Gardiner share
some laughs at the "The Screen Guild Theater" in 1939.
Train Ride (1939)

May 7, 1939 - Silver Theater - 30 minutes - Hosted by Conrad Nagel, Joan appeared alongside, John Hiestand and Carlton Kadell.
Joan played Mary Crane in this radio broadcast.
None Shall Part Us (1939)
October 15, 1939 - "The Screen Guild Theater" - 30 minutes. Cast: Joan as Sarah Farrington, Lew Ayres as Michael
Farrington, Ronald Colman as Captain Alan Harcourt and Montague Love as Sir George Packman. Joan appeared alongside, Ronald
Coleman, Lew Ayres and Montegue Love. Lew Ayers had appeared in "The Ice Follies of 1939" with Joan Crawford the
same year they did this radio broadcast together.

Above: Joan Crawford looks fearful while performing "The Ten Years," a radio broadcast program in 1949.
Baby (1940)

March 2, 1940 - Arch Oboler's Plays
Left: The photo to the left is a rare photo of Arch Oboler and Joan Crawford.
Two (1940)
November 22, 1940 - "Every Man's Theater" - Joan appears alongside, Raymond Edward Johnson, in a dramatic story
about two people left alone in the world after an atomic holocaust.
Mail Call (1942)

August 11, 1942 - A popular World War II-era radio program. It was created by the Armed Forces Radio Service and debuted August
11, 1942. It featured celebrities of the day and was meant as entertainment for American overseas forces. In both cases, the
title "Mail Call" is drawn from the military practice of the same name where soldiers assemble to receive mail from
a designated person, who will call each soldier's name in turn to pick up their mail.
Song Recording (1944)

1944 - Joan Crawford was asked by "Sgt. Bill" to sing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning" since the song and
the star were two of his favorites!
Left: The photo to the left is a rare photo of Joan Crawford singing and recording
"Oh What a Beautiful Morning."
Maxwell House Good News (1945-1949)

1945 thru 1949 - This comedy-variety program featured guest appearances by many Hollywood stars including Louis B. Mayer.
Joan was a guest on the program, however her air date is unknown
Dark Victory (1949)
March 17, 1949 - "The Screen Guild Theater" - 30 minutes. Joan appeared alongside Robert Young and Paula Winslow.
The Ten Years (1949)

June 2, 1949 - "Suspense" - 30 minutes. The Vintage Radio Logs, state that Joan refused to do this program unless
they agreed to the show being transcribed. Her fear of live performances coupled with her desire to appear in a professional
way, made for a certain set of rules when having Joan Crawford appear on your radio show.

Christmas With the Crawford's (1949)

December 24, 1949 - "The George Fisher Show" - Joan and oldest children, Christina and Christopher are interviewed
by George Fisher on Christmas Eve. (Twins Cathy and Cynthia are also in attendance.)

Document A/777 (1950)
April 17, 1950 - "United Nations Radio" - 60 minutes
Flamingo Road (1950)

May 26, 1950 - "Screen Director" Playhouse" - Directed by Michael Curtiz, Joan appeared alongside, David Brian.
Both reprised their film roles as Lane Bellamy and Dan Reynolds form the film "Flamingo Road."
Statement in Full (1951)
January 15, 1951 - "Hollywood Star Playhouse" - 30 minutes.
Three Lethal Words (1951)
March 22, 1951 - "Suspense" - 30 minutes.
The Damned Don't Cry (1951)

April 5, 1951 - "Screen Director's Playhouse" - 60 minutes - Joan appeared alongside, Frank Lovejoy and Paul Frees.
The Cancer Show (1951)
April 13, 1951 - 30 minutes. Joan appeared alongside, Jimmy Durante, Eddie Jackson, Judy Holiday, Garry Moore and Mindy Carson.
She gave a speech urging people to donate to the American Cancer Society. Here's the speech Joan gave:
"I'd like to take a moment to tell you something that may someday save your life. If recognized in time, cancer can
be and is being cured. Yes, every day lives are being saved. Saved because people have knowledge about it. The magnificent
work of the American Cancer Society has brought this knowledge to millions of Americans. And with it has come the hope for
the ultimate victory over this dread disease. Victory through the vast programs of the American Cancer Society. Education.
Research. Service. These are the weapons in the 1951 cancer crusade. Support the American Cancer society. That is the way
to guard your family. Please send your generous contribution to Cancer, care of your local post office. And please send it
Secret Heart (1951)
May 10, 1951 - The Screen Guild Theater - 60 minutes.
I Knew This Woman (1951)

October 6, 1951 - "Stars Over Hollywood" - 30 minutes.
Joan appears as herself.
When the Police Arrive (1952)
March 1, 1952 - "Stars Over Hollywood" - 30 minutes.
Cavalcade of Stars (1955)
March 27, 1955 - 30 minutes - In a true testament to how appreciative Joan was to her fans for her success, she said : "I
think everyone in the industry has a sincere regard and respect for the motion picture audience. In the final analysis, it
is the moviegoer who decides what motion pictures shall be. Through the box office and their likes and dislikes, the audience
chooses the stories and the players they want most. An actor stands or falls by the approval of the audience. It goes even
further than that. Speaking for myself, I feel a deep sense of responsibility. It matters greatly to me what people think
of me on the screen. And I'm sincerely grateful when they like what I do. I've spent my lifetime trying to measure up to what
the moviegoer expects of me. The most important reward is something more than merely success. What I truly appreciate is the
approval of the audience. If I have that...I'm happy because motion pictures are my life...and a good life too."

Pepsi Promo (1960)

February, 1960 - Radio promo record. "Joan Crawford Presents Pepsi-Cola's 1960 Radio Selling Team." 33-1/3 rpm.
Side One tracks: Joan Crawford; Chet Huntley, NBC; David Brinkley, NBC; Bob and Ray, CBS. Side Two: Joan Crawford; John Daly,
ABC; Frank Singiser, Mutual.
Message to the World (1960)
June 5, 1960 - Eternal Light - 30 minutes. Joan appeared alongside Franchot Tone, telling the story of motion picture executive,
Nate B. Spinghold. The show consisted of Jewish literature, history, music and stories for the Jewish Theological Society.
Joan and Franchot were reunited after almost 25 years from their last radio performance in 1937.
March of Dimes (1962-1963)

November 15, 1962 to January 31, 1963 - March of Dimes Recruitment Broadcast Information. A 33-1/3 rpm volunteer recruitment
announcement for the 15th annual Mothers' March. Side B has a minute-long message from Joan, plus 30-second announcements
from Helen Hayes and Nanette Fabray, and 15-second announcements from Rosemary Clooney and Bess Myerson.
Arthur Godfrey Morning Show (1964)
January 21, 1964 - 50 minutes. This was the 30th anniversary program for Godfrey's show. His guests were Pat Buttram, Joan
Crawford, and Jackie Gleason.
United Negro College Fund (1968)
August 1968 - A radio commercial featuring Joan. This was Joan's last radio broadcast.