"I have always known what I wanted, and that was beauty....in every form."
~Joan Crawford

August 9th 2007

FILMS: One new film page has been redesigned, "Possessed" (1931), and can be found on the 1930s film page. This
film page has an astonishing 66 photos and 14 movie related images!! This page was very fun to design and I love the final
result. A combination of ELEVEN images on the "Possessed" page are from my personal collection! Click on the link
below to view the newly deigned "Possessed" page.
Possessed (1931)
NEWS: Joan Crawford AND Clark Gable's Hollywood Walk of Fame star has been temporarily moved from its Hollywood and Vine Street
location. To read more on why the stars were temporarily moved, click on the link below.
Joan's Hollywood Star Moved
BOOK NEWS: A new biography of Joan will be released February 5th 2008! The title of the book is "Not the Girl Next Door:
Joan Crawford, a Personal Biography." Personal Biography? The book is by Charlotte Chandler and will be published by
Simon & Schuster. Thanks 'collegegirl' and Mike for this info. Click the link below for more information.
Amazon pre-ordering
August 8th 2007

EXCLUSIVE: It just keeps getting better! An inside tip from Gary Cooper enthusiasts say that a second DVD box set for Cooper
is slated for Spring of 2008 and it will include "Today We Live!" Stay tuned for more information on this exciting
release. It's really turning out to be an eventful 2007/2008 season for Joan fans! Thanks again CC for the great news!
August 6th 2007

EXCLUSIVE: More exclusive news! Sony is currently considering putting out "Harriet Craig" (1950) on a double feature
with the earlier version of the story, "Craig's Wife" (1936), so you'll be able to compare whether Crawford or Rosalind
Russell rendered the more contemptible character. I think this is a great homage to two fine acresses that were close friends.
Click the link below or the image to the right to read more! Thanks again Corey for the info!
Harriet Craig/Craig's Wife
August 5th 2007

EXCLUSIVE: As we all know, "Daisy Kenyon," will be released on DVD soon. The cover art for the DVD has been released,
please click the image to the right to see a larger view! Thanks Corey for the image!
VOTE FOR JOAN: After "Joan Day" on TCM, the votes were POURING in for Joan's movies on TCM to be released on DVD.
I was planning on doing the updates on Friday's for the rankings and votes, but since there was so much activity, I decided
to have another update today. The biggest movers over the weekend are noted below, to see the entire chart scroll down to
the rankings towards the bottom of this page. If you would like to vote for Joan's movies that are not on DVD, that you would
like to see come out on DVD, click the link below. KEEP VOTING!!
Movers over the Weekend
#29 Harriet Craig/857 votes (up 122 votes!!, up 7 spots)
#34 Autumn Leaves/801 votes (up 74 votes!!, up 4 spots)
#36 Above Suspicion/774 votes (up 374 votes!!, up 72 spots!!)
#151 This Modern Age/313 votes (up 14 votes, up 8 spots)
August 3rd 2007

ASK CASEY: Four new letters have been posted to the 'Ask Casey' page. Read a wonderful letter from Joan's hairstylists child
and loving letters from faithful fans! If you would like to ask Casey a question or just comment, click the link below and
submit your inquiry. Thanks again to Casey for contributing his time and carrying on his grandmother's memory.
Ask Casey
VOTE FOR JOAN: After one week of posting the "Vote for Joan" campaign we are making some headway. The biggest movers
of this week are noted below. If you would like to vote for Joan's movies that are not on DVD, that you would like to see
come out on DVD, click the link below. To see the weekly "chart" of how the movies fluctuate each week, go to the
bottom of this page under the "Vote for Joan" post. KEEP VOTING!!
Movers of the Week
#36 Harriet Craig/735 votes (up 10 votes, up 2 spots)
#78 Strange Cargo/502 votes (up 11 votes)
#100 Mannequin/415 votes (up 33 votes, up 13 spots)
#159 This Modern Age/299 votes (up 19 votes, up 10 spots)
August 2nd 2007

FILMS: Two new film pages have been redesigned, "Laughing Sinners" and "This Modern Age" on the 1930s
film page. A combination of TEN images on these pages are from my personal collection! Click on the links below to view the
new page.
Laughing Sinners (1931)
This Modern Age (1931)
I am looking forward to redesigning four of my favorite Joan Crawford films, "Possessed" 1931, "Grand Hotel,"
"Letty Lynton" and "Rain." Stay tuned for all four of those film pages to be redesigned this month.
August 1st 2007

UPDATE: "The Women" was recently shown at the Castro Theatre featuring "The Bad Boys" of Project Runway."
Click the article to the left to read about the event. Thanks Danny for tipping me off about this article!
-Also, don't forget that this Friday is "Joan Day" on TCM! 24 hours of Joan. To see the full TV schedule you
can either click the link below or scroll down to an older post! Enjoy!
Joan Crawford Spotlight Profile on TCM
July 30th 2007

FILMS: ELEVEN photos have been added to a variety of film pages listed below:
-THREE photos have been added to the "Paris" film page. (New main photo, photo above "Interesting Triva"
section and last photo in second row.)
Paris (1926)
-One new photo has been added to "The Boob" film page. (Main photo.)
The Boob (1926)
-TWO photos have been added to the "Rose-Marie" page. (Last two in 6th row.)
Rose-Marie (1928)
-One photo has been added to the "Dream of Love" film page. (Last photo in 5th row.)
Dream of Love (1928)
FIVE photos have been added to the "Our Dancing Daughters" film page. (Entire 9th row.)
Our Dancing Daughters (1928)
-Three photos have been added to the "Our Modern Maidens" film page. (Last three in 7th row.)
Our Modern Maidens (1929)
-A very interesting comment for the "Hollywood Revue of 1929" film page came in today. The son of, Henry Bergeron,
one of the dancers that appeared in the "Hollywood Revue of 1929" posted a comment and some links. To view, go to
the link below and scroll down to the reviews and comments section. Very cute site!
Hollywood Revue of 1929 (1929)
July 27th 2007

FILMS: "Dance, Fools, Dance" has been added to the 1930s film page. Click on the link below to view the new page
or click on the image to the left.
Dance, Fools, Dance (1931)
-ONE awesome photo by Ruth Harriet Louise has been added to the "Untamed" page. (Large photo above "Interesting
Trivia" section.) Click link below to view.
Untamed (1929)
-ONE photo has been added to the "Understanding Heart" page. A cute picture of Joan sight seeing. (Last photo in
3rd row.) Click link below to view.
The Understanding Heart (1927)
DON'T FORGET TONIGHT - "The Women" will be kicking off with Bad Boys of Runway with "Project Runway" stars
Santino Rice & Jeffrey Sebelia this Friday, July 27 at the Castro Theatre!! For more information and tickets, go to the
link below. Also, "The Best of Everything" will be also playing at the Castro Theatre on Saturday July 28th!
July 24th 2007

EXCLUSIVE: "Daisy Kenyon" will be released on DVD. FOX Classics has announced that "Daisy Kenyon" will
be released sometime soon on the site below! How exciting!!! Stay tuned for more information comping soon about this DVD release!
Thanks J. for the site link!
Daisy Kenyon @ Fox Classics
FILMS: TWO cute new photos have been added to "The Understanding Heart" film page. (Two photos in 3rd row.) Click
link below to view.
The Understanding Heart (1927)
-ONE new great photo has been added to "The Unknown" page. (Large photo above "Interesting Trivia" section.)
Click link below to view. Also one new fan review was added as well.
"The Unknown" (1927)
UPDATE: Scroll down to the July 8th post to see the framed Joan Crawford and Clark Gable advertisement at the new World of
Cola-Cola! Joan Crawford and Clark Gable greet visitors as they enter the museum.
July 18th 2007

FILMS: "Paid" has been added to the 1930s film page. This is one of my favorite early Joan Crawford talkies. NINE
of the whopping 32 images on this page are from my personal collection! Click on the link below to view the new page or click
on the image to the left.
Paid (1930)
THEATRE: "The Women" will be kicking off with Bad Boys of Runway with "Project Runway" stars Santino Rice
& Jeffrey Sebelia this Friday, July 27 at the Castro Theatre!! For more information and tickets, go to the link below.
Also, "The Best of Everything" will be also playing at the Castro Theatre on Saturday July 28th!
"The Women" @ Castro Theatre
July 15th 2007

FILMS: FIVE rare lobby cards were added to the "Across to Singapore" film page. Check them out by clicking on the
link below.
Across to Singapore (1928)
-Also, "Great Day" was added to the 1930s film page. Even though this movie was never completed, there's enough
information and photographs to make it a welcomed addition to the 1930s film page. Click on the link below to view the new
page or click on the image to the left.
July 13th 2007

NEWS: World-renowned author, Michelle Vogel, who penned "Joan Crawford: Her Life in Letters," has a monthly column
in the new ICONS magazine that just released their premiere issue this month. Michelle will be writing a monthly column for
the magazine called, "Silent Corner." Click the image to the left to read Michelle's impressive write-up (notice
the Joan Crawford mention!) You can be sure that ICONS magazine will be featuring Joan in future issues and you can bet that
Michelle, Casey and I will have a part in it! Stay tuned! To see the ICONS website click the link below.
ICONS Magazine
July 12th 2007

RADIO DAYS: Five new photos have been added to the "Radio Days" page. All five photos in the second row, under the
1930s gallery, are new. Also, one new radio entry has been added, a performance on July 4, 1936 for "Shell Chateau"
which aired on the "NBC-Red Network." This was Joan Crawford and Franchot Tone's first radio broadcast after they
were married. To see the new additions, please click on the link below or the image to the right.
Radio Days
July 11th 2007

ASK CASEY: NINE letters have been added to the "Ask Casey" page. The letters have been pouring in from all over
the world! Click the link below or image to the left to read about "moms" becoming fans of Joan, school girl needs
help on a Joan project and yet ANOTHER family connection made through this site for Joan's grandson Casey! Check it out!
Ask Casey
July 10th 2007

FILMOGRAPHY: One movie page has been redesigned and updated, "Our Blushing Brides." Check out some rare photos on
this page! To view the page click on the link below or the image to the left. Stay tuned for more redesigned film pages later
this week.
Our Blushing Brides (1930)
July 4th 2007

TV: Happy 4th of July to everyone! A quick post about a few Joan Crawford films airing on televison this month.
On July 12th at 4am on the CHILLERS Channel, they will be once again playing "The Sixth Sense - Dear Joan We Are
Going to Scare you to Death!" This is Joan's last appearance on a television program where she is acting. It's a great
role and Joan looks great, if you get this channel, I highly recommend watching this.
Also, a rare showing of "Daisy Kenyon" will be playing on Cinemax on July 13th at 2:45am.
Stay tuned for more additions to the television schedule for the month of July.
June 28th 2007

ASK CASEY: Six letters have been added to the "Ask Casey" page. Has Joan's long lost Oscar for "Mildred Pierce"
been found? Find out by clicking the link below and reading a very interesting letter from a fan. The "Ask Casey"
page has also been slightly redesigned to match the other newly redesigned areas of the website. Check it out!
Ask Casey
Seven photos have been added to the various film pages below:
-Three new photos have been added to "The Only Thing" page.
(Last three photos in first row)
The Only Thing (1925)
-Three new photos have been added to the "Sally, Irene and Mary" page.
(Last photo in first row & last two in second row)
Sally, Irene and Mary (1925)
-One new photo has been added to the "Dream of Love" page.
(Second photo in fifth row)
Dream of Love (1928)
June 26th 2007

FILMS: Now that all of Joan's 1920s film pages have been redesigned, I have moved onto the 1930s. "Montana Moon"
Joan's first picture from the 1930s has been redesigned. Click the link below or the image to the left to check out the newly
designed "Montana Moon" film page. New scroll bars were added to the film pages for easier navigation from one decade
to the next. Check it out!
The Films of the 1930s
Eleven photos have been added to the various film pages below:
-One new photo has been added to the "Winners of the Wilderness" page.
(Last photo in second row)
Winners of the Wilderness (1927)
-One new photo has been added to the "Taxi Dancer" page.
(Last photo in second row)
Taxi Dancer (1927)
-One new photo has been added to the "Rose-Marie" page.
(Last photo in sixth row)
Rose-Marie (1928)
-Two new photos have been added to the "Across to Singapore" page.
(Last photo in second row and above interesting triva)
Across to Singapore (1928)
-Five new photos have been added to the "Dream of Love" page.
(Last three in fourth row, one above interesting triva and last in fifth row)
Dream of Love (1928)
-One new photo has been added to the "Our Modern Maidens" page.
(Last photo in seventh row)
Our Modern Maidens (1929)
June 24th 2007

NEWS: Andre Soares, author of "Beyond Paradise: The Life of Ramon Novarro," recently interviewed me for his Alternative
Film Guide Blog! The interview talks about the upcoming book and, of course, Joan Crawford! To read the full interview, click
on the link below or the image to the left. Thank you Andre for interviewing me about Joan Crawford, it was a pleasure!
Interview for the Alternative Film Guide
June 22nd 2007

RADIO DAYS: I am pleased to announce a new addition to the Legendary Joan Crawford Website: "Radio Days." This page
is devoted to Joan Crawford's radio career that spanned four decades! Check out the new addition by clicking on the link below
or the image to the left. This page will also feature all pictures of Joan that derive from her radio performances. I hope
you enjoy this page as much as I enjoyed designing it!
Radio Days

NEWS: Turner Classic Movies has been conducting a poll for over two years now that let's fans vote for movies that are NOT
on DVD. This pole has been around for quite some time, but it's still very important to vote for your favorite Joan Crawford
film that is NOT on DVD. Other Joan Crawford Websites are also lobbying to vote for Joan and I think it's a great idea to
come together and get as many votes as we can for Joan. I started voting back when it first started and you can only vote
once per email address. So be creative when thinking how you can vote more than once! NOTE* If it's not a valid email address,
the vote will not count. Below is a list of 32 of Joan's films that are in the top 200, pretty darn impressive, and where
they currently rank. I will revise the ranks weekly as Joan's films climb the chart. To vote, click on the link below.
#18 Letty Lynton/1557 votes (no change)
#29 Harriet Craig/857 votes (up 22 votes, no movement)
#34 Autumn Leaves/801 votes (up 3 votes, no movement)
#36 Above Suspicion/774 votes (up 1 votes, no movement)
#39 Forsaking All Others/734 votes (no change)
#41 Susan and God/716 votes (no change)
#44 Possessed/704 votes (up 1 vote, no movement)
#45 The Shining Hour/699 votes (no change)
#46 The Gorgeous Hussy/688 votes (no change)
#48 When Ladies Meet/682 votes (no change)
#79 Strange Cargo/503 votes (up 1 vote, no movement)
#80 Johnny Guitar/495 votes (up 1 vote, no movement)
#89 Female on the Beach/454 votes (up 4 votes, no movement)
#93 A Woman's Face/445 votes (no change)
#99 Sadie McKee/426 votes (up 2 votes, up 1 spot)
#101 Mannequin/423 votes (up 5 votes, no movement)
#103 Torch Song/417 votes (up 1 vote, up 1 spot)
#104 Chained/416 votes (down one spot)
#105 Our Dancing Daughters/414 votes (up one vote, no movement)
#108 The Last of Mrs. Cheyney/403 votes (up 2 votes, down 1 spot)
#115 The Bride Wore Red/389 votes (no change)
#117 No More Ladies/387 votes (up 1 vote, up 1 spot)
#118 Love on the Run/387 votes (down 1 spot)
#120 I Live My Life/382 votes (no change)
#122 Laughing Sinners/381 votes (no change)
#124 Lady of the Night/377 votes (no change)
#127 Paid/371 votes (down 1 spot)
#130 Goodbye, My Fancy/365 votes (up 1 vote, down 1 spot)
#134 Dance, Fools, Dance/355 votes (down 1 spot)
#151 This Modern Age/313 votes (up 1 vote, no movement)
#159 Rose-Marie REMOVED this is the 1936 version, not the 1928 version.
#186 The Hollywood Revue of 1929/260 votes (up 4 votes, no movement)
Updated on August 10th 10:30am PST

NEWS: Well, we all knew this was going to happen, after almost 70 years from it's original release date "The Women"
is actually going to be re-made. The movie is coming out in 2008 and it will star Debra Messing, Eva Mendes, Annette Being,
Jada Pinkett Smith and Candice Bergen. Oy vey! They should leave this movie alone! It's a classic and no one will ever be
able to top the performances that were given by the original stars.
My only worry is it looks like Debra Messing or Eva Mendes will be playing Crystal Allen, Joan Crawford's role. A big
SIGH! The good thing about this, it will be publicity of the original movie and it will educate more people on the "real"
Joan Crawford and introduce many more fans to her work.
Click the first image to the left to see the 2008 movie poster.
Click the second image to the left to see the Entertainment Weekly write-up on "The Women" casting.
Below is the IMDB page link announcing he movies release.
"The Women" (2008)

NEWS: I am happy to announce that the Legendary Joan Crawford Website received a very generous monetary donation this past
month. This donation will not only continue running the Legendary Joan Crawford Website, it will also be used to invest in
pieces of memorabilia, photos, letters and other historical Joan Crawford pieces that will educate and improve my knowledge
and the fans knowledge of Joan Crawford. I have purchased some interesting photos and other pieces of memorabilia this past
month but the biggest find was a scrapbook dating from 1927-1937. This amazing 96-page scrapbook is filled with extremely
rare photos, newspaper clippings, artwork, fun facts and other interesting historical information about Joan Crawford. I will
use the information in this scrapbook to improve the website and it will be incorporated into the upcoming Joan Crawford book
that Michelle Vogel, Casey LaLonde and I are working on. This is a huge find for this website and Joan Crawford fans, stay
tuned for some rare treats!

BOOK NEWS:The Joan Crawford book, Joan Crawford an Illustrated Guide to Her Appearances in Film, Radio and Television, that
I have coming out has been a labor of love that I have been working on for two years. I am financially and emotionally wrapped
up in this book and I want this book to be presented in the best possible light since it will have my name on it. I have been
struggling with my publisher over the past two weeks over creative differences and we both have decided to part ways. This
means the book will not be published with this publisher for the spring of 2007. Although this seems like not the best news
in the world, it IS for the best. The book WILL,be published but with another publisher the way I want it to be published.
I do not have a concrete date for when the book will be published with a new publisher. I apologize to everyone that had already
pre-ordered the book; the publisher will refund your money.
All you 'haters' don't get too excited...
This book will be published with a new publisher that will cater to the creative needs of this book. Although this pushes
the release date out a bit, it will make for a better book. I have about 50 new images that I have bought on eBay that I wanted
to include in the book but the publisher would not allow any new additions, so now...they will be in the book:-)