Above: A family photo of Joan Crawford and her children, Christina, Christoper, Cathy and Cindy.
Below are letters from fans of Joan Crawford to her grandson, Casey LaLonde, from April 2006.
April 2006
April 28, 2006
Hi Casey,
I seen your note in the book Joan Crawford: Her Life In Letters and so know you approve that book but how do you feel
about this new book book Hollywood Martyr which doesn't show your Grandmother in best of light and see it is released in UK
but would like to purchase but I live in Canada??? And no offence but you will probably get asked also about the new DVD
updated verison of Mommie Dearest which must be hard for you to look at as know the book and movie Mommie Dearest is a she
said/she said story.
Thanks for an answer if you are able to give one.
May 3, 2006
Hello Tom,
Author David Bret is taking quite a chance in publishing such inflammatory information in his new book "Hollywood
Martyr." He makes some claims, such as my grandmother was a prostitute and that three of her husbands were gay. The
reviews I have read so far indicate he offers no proof to backup his allegations. I do not want to tip my hand, but I may
consider legal action against him and the publisher. British libel laws protect not only the living, but the dead.
American libel laws are more forgiving, understandably so with our 1st Amendment Constitutional protections. However,
Mr. Bret's book was published in Britain, so the ball is in my court, so to speak . . .
As for purchase, the UK's version of Amazon has it for sale. You will have to pay international shipping, but I would
consider waiting a few months to see if it makes it across the Atlantic. It doesn't appear to offer any groundbreaking information
As for the DVD release of "Mommie Dearest" this June, I have made my peace with the movie. It is a high camp
masterpiece that in no way resembles my grandmother or her life. I just think of Faye Dunaway's career before and after "Mommie
Dearest" and giggle. Ms. Dunaway filmed "Bonnie and Clyde," "Network" and "Chinatown"
before "Mommie Dearest." Following the film's release, she has appeared in nothing as noteworthy, except playing
opposite an orangutan in "Dunston Checks In" and as the villainess in "Supergirl."
Thanks for the questions!
April 27, 2006
Hello Casey,
I have read that Joan was born in San Antonio, TX. I live in the suburbs and am curious to know if anyone has been able
to locate the address/building where she was born. I only wish I could have known her. She was a very captivating woman who
I admire for her drive and business sense.
Thank you for your time
Schertz, TX
May 3, 2006
Hello Clarissa,
Thanks for the questions.
I have a friend in Los Angeles who knows more about my grandmother than I do! He and his wife were recently in San Antonio
and he called me from the general location of Joan's childhood residence. I am not familiar enough with San Antonio to give
you exact directions, but I will contact my friend and get directions. He was thrilled to find the area and you will be too!
Joan was ahead of her time with her excellent business sense and the ability to remake her image. She puts today's Hollywood
stars to shame!
Thanks for the questions and sweet comments. Please write again.
April 26, 2006
Hi Casey,
Great to talk to you!
I have a couple of things I have been wondering about, What was the nameof the train your mother went on to Chicago in
Dec 55,Union Pacific or Burlington?
Also, whatever happened to Joan's '57 Ford Thunderbird convertible? Who owns it?
And what are they doing to 426 N Bristol Ave? Isn't that a historic neighborhood?
Thank you again.
My best wishes to you and your mother.
May 3, 2006
Hello Cliff!
Thanks for the questions.
I am personally fond of her 1933 Cadillac Fleetwood Town Car. What a ride!
As for the 1957 Thunderbird, sadly I do not know.
1955 was a big travel year for Joan, the kids and Al Steele with a train trip from Los Angeles to New York City and a
voyage to Europe. Alas, I do not know which train they traveled on from Los Angeles through Chicago to New York.
This is the latest of several renovations over the years to 426 N. Bristol Avenue. Donald O'Connor purchased the house
from my grandmother in 1956. I first saw the house in person in 1997 and again in 2005. I believe both times the house was
being renovated. As anyone who knows Los Angeles history, architecture doesn't last long . . .
I do not know if the neighborhood is deemed "historic," but it is a nice quiet Brentwood neighborhood with luxurious
Thanks for the questions!
April 24, 2006
Dear Casey,
It is an honor to write to you. Thank you for taking our emails. I have recently been reading "Conversations with
Joan Crawford," which was, as you know, a series of interviews collected by her friend Roy Newquist at the end of her
life. In it, she reviews all of her films and sees Mildred Pierce as a sort of twilight presaging an inevitable decline.
She says, No, my day, my long and golden and often glorious day, had ended, and Mildred Pierce was a sort of a bittersweet
celebration of the end. And I couldn't disagree more. There is a change that comes across in these years, that much is certain;
she moves gracefully into middle age and then, in my opinion, enters on her most beautiful and vulnerable period as an actress.
Her day, as far as I am concerned, was just beginning. I watch her in the earlier films and agree politely that many of
them were good, solid movies. But it is in the latter part of her life, in the last thirty-two years, in that self-proclaimed
twilight, that she really begins to shine. Whatever Christina and Christopher may have to say; it was in this latter period
of her life that one could perceive a metamorphosis in your grandmother. In nearly every photo that one sees of Miss Crawford
with your mother and aunt, and then in the late 1950s, Al Steele, she exudes happiness, love and adoration. Perhaps by then,
with Oscar in hand and greater personal power, she no longer felt so strong a need to be on for the public; she could at last
relax a little and feel free. I cannot speculate about a person whom I shall unfortunately know. But I am interested to
learn your opinion. What do you think, both in terms of her work, and, if you could, her personal life during this time period?
Yours sincerely,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
PS: I am an aspiring writer and have often thought that I would like to write a book about the latter half of your grandmother's
life an answer, as it were, to the one-sided calumny of Christina, which has dominated popular consciousness.
April 27, 2006
Hello Daniel,
I literally just commented to myself while reading your question that you have a wonderful writing style, to learn in
your postscript. that you are an aspiring writer! Bravo!
I couldn't agree with you more. Although my grandmother may have believed "Mildred Pierce" was her twilight
period, she exuded a powerful persona onscreen and off. Her smoldering work in "Humoresque" is a case in point.
In my opinion, her acting style is more like a jaguar stalking her next meal. She is a sexy, mature and slightly mad counterpoint
to John Garfield. A wonderful film indeed.
Your opinion is right on target. During this period, no matter what Christina and Christopher say, Joan was essentially
a single mother supporting two, then four children following the adoption of my mother and Aunt Cindy. She worked hard to
support her family by doing so was breaking American norms.
Although her early MGM films were, for the most part, fun Joan Crawford movies, her later work is when she shined as a
classic film actress. Even her appearance on television in "Night Gallery" in 1969 shows Joan exuding a self-assured
"Mommie Dearest" has shaped the era since Joan's death. I am trying hard to change perceptions and with help
from fans like you, it will become a reality!
Thanks for the questions and please write again.
April 24, 2006
Dear Casey,
I would like to commend you on your efforts to preserve your Grandmothers memory and for setting the record straight about
Christina's ridiculous accusations. This is so exciting! Thank you for giving Joan fans this special opportunity to correspond
with you.
I became a Joan Crawford fan in 1995 after seeing Mildred Pierce. Her beauty captivated me. I had never seen such a perfectly
sculpted face. Her acting also impressed me. She is definitely one of the most underrated actresses from that time period.
She should have won more than one Oscar.
I remember watching Mildred Pierce several times before returning the video. I couldn't get enough. It was then that I
decided I had to see every film she had ever been in and I must say that even in the bad ones, she is always good. She always
gave 100%.
I started my Joan memorabilia collection with Bob Thomas biography, which in my opinion, is the best Joan Bio I've ever
read. After that I went crazy. I had to have anything and everything Joan. I started with the books, photos, and videos and
then quickly graduated to the higher ticket items like autographs and personal items. I was on EBAY everyday searching for
the next item I had to have. Among my favorite items in my collection are her monogrammed handkerchief, the original signed
contract for Johnny Guitar (her conditions alone are about 20 pages!), an original George Hurrell photo signed (not inscribed)
by both Joan and Hurrell and 18 of the official Joan Crawford fan club magazines from the 40s and 50s. I'm not sure if you've
ever seen them. Each issue came with a personal candid photo of Joan and a lengthy letter from Joan. Joan loved her fans.
She always made a point of answering every letter she ever received. There were many features in the fanzine that were written
by fans and with every issue Joan made sure to mention their name and something about what they had written in the previous
issue. She would also make the time to meet her fans whenever possible. In fact, the president of the club would make arrangements
for members to meet Joan whenever she was in their town. There was also a section that Betty Barker, her longtime personal
assistant, wrote that described in detail the numerous events they would attend together and also day to day activities like
dinners and parties Joan would have at her home. I've spent hours reading these fanzines and I've gotten so much enjoyment
from them.
In 2000 I purchased 2 fur coats from an antiques dealer called Antique Associates in Richland, PA. They said they acquired
them from your mother in June 1998. One was a white mink the other was a silver mink. I think the silver is monogrammed inside
with the letter J and the other is monogrammed Joan and they both included two monogrammed wooden hangers. They came with
a letter from your mom, which included her address at the time 323 N. 15th Street Allentown, PA. I was actually in the area
in 2001 and I was going to visit, but unfortunately the current resident told me she didn't live there anymore. Was that her
correct address in 1998? I so wanted to meet her and ask her questions about Joan and I also wanted her to authenticate and
give me a little history about the fur coats. It would mean so much to me if you could ask your mother about these. I hope
it's not too much to ask. I would love to one day meet you in person. Please let me know if you are making any more appearances
in the near future or let me know if you are ever in the Miami area. I apologize for the length of this letter.
It's just that I get so excited when I talk about Joan. I feel I can go on forever. Thanks again Casey for being part
of this website. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
All the best,
Pedro Gonzalez
Miami, Florida
April 27, 2006
Dear Pedro,
Thanks for the questions!
"Mildred Pierce" is one of Joan's best films. I agree that she should have won more awards. Her performances
in "Humoresque" and "Sudden Fear" were Oscar-worthy also. And don't get me started on "Whatever Happened
to Baby Jane." If Bette Davis was nominated, so should have Joan!
There is so much great Joan memorabilia around today. The "Johnny Guitar" contract sounds really neat. That
film, although panned at release, is now considered a classic. The Castro Theatre in San Francisco screened the film last
September during their Bette vs. Joan film festival. The film has some unintentional laughs, but overall it is a classic.
It was a hoot to see Mercedes McCambridge (the voice of Satan in "The Exorcist") go after Joan with such gusto.
A classic, yet modern western.
Back to your collection. My grandmother had a closet full of furs when she passed away in 1977. My mother inherited everything
and she did sell a few back in the late 1990's. She did live in Allentown at the time, but has since moved.
Your collection of fanzines sounds like fun. As history shows, Joan was one of the hardest working actresses and always
remained in contact with her fans. It is interesting that you mentioned Betty Barker. Betty is alive and well, living in
Los Angeles. I keep in touch with her and visit her in Hollywood.
Within the last year I have become active in making appearances to support my grandmother's career and life. I am alway
seeking opportunties to get the word out about her amazing film career and life in Hollywood and beyond.
Thanks for the questions and for being a great Joan Crawford fan!
April 20, 2006
Hi Casey!
So glad to have found this site. Your grandmother is one of my favorite stars and I do mean STAR. I've had the pleasure
of seeing most of Joan's films, many of them several times
thanks to my long association with Turner Classic Movies. My favorite MGM film of hers is probably "A Woman's Face"
but I believe she did some of her best work at Warners in the mid 40's. "Humoresque" and "Possessed" (47
version) in particular. Hopefully the legal problems with "Letty Lynton" and "Torch Song" will one day
be cleared so they can be enjoyed by her fans again. Has your mom ever mentioned that Joan had a favorite film of hers? One
thing I always respected about her is her deep devotion to her fans. That love and appreciation for the people who spent their
money at the box office always seem to show in her work as if her performances were for them and not to feed her own actor's
ego. I'm glad you have such fond memories of your grandmother. After reading your our comments my appreciation of her has
increased even more.
Best regards,
Les Howell,
Atlanta, Ga.
April 27, 2006
Dear Les,
Thanks for your lovely thoughts and memories! "A Woman's Face" is a great film. It is one of my favorites too.
A complete departure for Joan, donning scar makeup for the first half of the film, then to be healed of body and spirit by
the end. Wonderful! Costars Melvyn Douglas and Conrad Veidt (one of my favorite actors) are excellent.
I have always thought that some of Joan's best work was with Warner Bros. in the 1940's and early 50's. The triple play
of "Mildred Pierce" "Humoresque" and "Possessed" displays Joan's wonderful acting skills. No
longer the shop girl or flapper, she matured into a classic actress. Even the later Warner's film "Flamingo Road"
was fun and entertaining.
I believe my grandmother too was pleased with her work during the Warner Bros. period. The studio offered meaty roles
for which she was starved for during her later years at MGM. Box office poison? Never!
Joan knew from the start that the fans were her foundation in Hollywood. As author Michelle Vogel wrote in last year's
book "Her Life in Letters," Joan wrote literally millions of fan letters over the years and kept in contact with
some fans directly for many years. Some may consider Joan a diva for her larger than life personality, but she always remembered
who counted: the studio production crew from the grips to the lighting technicians and camera operators and mostly her adoring
Thanks for the questions!
April 17, 2006
Hi Casey!
Thank you for being a part of this great tribute to your grandmother. She was, without a doubt, one of the silver screen's
most beautiful and accomplished actresses. I am 28 and I have been a fan since I was about 11. My question is if there are
chances any of Ms.Crawford's earlier films will be released on DVD? I was very excited with the release of the Joan Crawford
box set but was curious to know if her earlier films will be released anytime soon.
Thank you again Casey!
Gloria Silvestri
Sacramento, CA
April 26, 2006
Hello Gloria,
My thanks to you and the many people who consider themselves Joan Crawford fans. My grandmother knew that without fans
like you, she was nothing . . .
As the DVD market has expanded over the last few years, the studios have begun releasing more and more classic films.
The Warner Bros. collection released last year did great business. "Dancing Lady" comes out on DVD June 20th.
As Joan teamed up with several leading men over her career, it would be fun to have a Joan / leading man collection.
For example, she and Clark Gable appeared in eight films together from "Dance, Fools Dance" in 1931 through the
underrated, but fascinating "Strange Cargo" in 1940. That would make a nice starter collection for any Joan fan!
That is another one of my endeavors, to more manage her image and get her films out on DVD. There is a market for the
films and most of them have not been seen for generations.
By my rough estimate, only twelve or thirteen of her films are currently available. That needs to change and I am working
hard to do so!
Thanks for the question and keep an eye out for additional releases!
April 16, 2006
I thought your grandmother was great in many movies. My favorite being Mildred Pierce. It is very unfortunite that most
people only remember "Mommie Dearest." I remember when the movie came out and going to see it. I thought is was
more a bad comedy than a serious child abuse film. And if your grandmother did do the things in the movie, I think it was
tame. You should have grown up with my Mother! She could have taught old
Joan a thing or two!
Best Wishes,
Mark Heldt
New Orleans,La.
April 26, 2006
Hello Mark.
The great thing about Joan Crawford fans is their ability to see through haze of "Mommie Dearest" and recognize
Joan as the wonderful actress and person. Only a tiny population still considers the book and movie to be anything more than
the recollections of a jealous daughter. Most of the fans I speak to these days consider "Mommie Dearest" essential
to understanding Joan because it has shaped her career post death. Those same fans consider "Mommie Dearest" to
be the campiest, silliest movie ever made!
"Mildred Pierce" on the other hand, is one of Joan's finest films. Michael Curtiz' direction was superb, and
actors Ann Blyth, Eve Arden, Zachary Scott and Jack Carson were excellent. A top notch film noir, if there ever was one!
Thanks for the question Mark!
April 14, 2006
Dear Mr. LaLonde,
I'm so glad to have located this wonderful site and to have located Joan's grandson as well. The nature of my inquiry
is largely genealogical in nature.
For years I have been an ardent fan of your grandmother's. We have her father's genealogy well chronicled. I, along with
several other genealogists are attempting to put together a proper genealogy for Joan's mother, Anna Bell (Johnson) LeSueur.
I know her Johnson grandparents were Sylvester Johnson and Mary Ellen (Searles) Johnson and I have seen a family photo from
about 1903 which pictures Joan's father Thomas LeSueur(1868-1938) along with several other members of the LeSueur/Johnson
family. I have also obtained some of the correspondence between your grandmother and "Avalon Benson" a fan to whom
Joan wrote for over 15 years. Miss Benson was stricken with rheumatic fever and Joan's lovely letters to the girl are a testament
to her kind spirit.
Additionally,I wonder if you have contact with Joan's brother Hal Hays LeSueur's daughter Joan Crawford LeSueur (b. Dec.2,
1933) who was, I believe married to a man named Fuller and attended Joan's funeral in NYC in 1977. I believe the niece went
by the stage name "Joan Lowe".
I'd be interested to know if any personal photographic or genealogical materials came down to your mother after Joan's
death. It's my wish,and that of several local genealogists/biographers to "put right" the legend behind arguably
the most talented and beautiful star to come from Hollywood's golden age. Please allow me to thank you for your indulgence
and I'd be awfully pleased to hear back from you. In my opinion enough time has gone by to do proper tribute to your grandmother's
contribution to her craft and it is our intent to continue the efforts of many to restore her good name and give her back
her rightful place in Hollywood history.
Kind best wishes,
Richard B. Hall
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
April 26, 2006
Hello Richard,
Your research is fascinating! My family's (Joan's side) genealogical history is for me, one of uncharted territory.
I would love to read your research and learn more about my family. From my reading and other research, there appears to be
a general disconnect between my grandmother and her family. My recollections of discussions with my mother, Cathy, lead me
to believe Joan never really spoke about her family history.
On the subject of Hal's daughter Joan, I was asked this same question about a year ago under different circumstances.
I have no memory of her, nor has my mother ever spoken about her. I would love to meet her and talk family! It would be
compelling to hear her life story and learn about her relationship with my great uncle Hal.
It is both interesting and sad, for my mother only received some photos and other tiny mementos of Joan's family. Nothing
really of substance.
Your genealogical work is riveting. If I may be of any assistance, I am more than happy to help!
Thanks for the great questions and thoughts about my grandmother.
April 12, 2006
Dear Casey,
It is such an honor to be able to send you a message regarding your wonderful grandmother. You must be so proud to be
part of her life. I am a young fan of your grandmothers and I have seen almost all of her movies and own a little of her past.
My question to you is where might I be able to purchase some of her belongings such as; handbags, etc... I know you probably
don't get this question very often but I truly am inspired by Joan and believe she was such an amazing person and a true Hollywood
star. Also, is the house in Brentwood still standing? I have to tell you my second mother Helene is about to be 75 years old
and she also loves Joan, and she was at a party in California and it so happens Christina was therewith her husband and Helene's
friend took her by the arm and introduced them and when Helene found out that she was Tina Crawford she had a lot of questions
for her. She could not believe a spoiled child like that had the nervier to write such a dramatized book and then make a movie
out of it and still had the nerve to use her last name. One of her questions was why didn't you write that book when she was
alive so she could respond to it and not when she was gone. I'm sorry to take up so much of your time. Thank you so much for
being a part of his wonderful site and getting the chance to answer my question.
Thank you again and have a wonderful day.
Anthony Johnson
April 16, 2006
Hello Anthony,
Thank you for the great message. It is my honor to be a part of her life and legacy.
There are literally thousands of collectors in the world who love Joan Crawford. Ebay is probably the most accessible
collectors' market in the world. I suggest you begin there and also periodically check with the major auction houses such
as Sotheby's and Christies. Both houses do at least annual film memoriabilia sales. You would be surprised what shows up at
I have visited Los Angeles frequently over the past several years and I always make a visit to Brentwood to see the house.
There is a part of me that wishes Joan had stayed in LA, but she met Al Steele and that it history. The house at 426 North
Bristol is still standing, but has been gutted at least once. I have attached a photo from 2005 that shows a recent renovation.
A friend in LA, Scott Michaels, keeps tabs on the house for me.
Your story about Helene meeting Christina is a hoot. I just wish more people had questioned Christina like that 30 years
Thanks for the message!
April 11, 2006
Dear Casey,
I know I have e-mailed one other time, but I just finished your grandmother's book "A Portrait of Joan." I was
intrigued how she rated herself in the films that she has done. I am trying currently to buy her DVDs on E-bay. When I see
a good sale I try to bid on it but mostly because of NYC Public Library I am only able to see a selected few. At times they
will have titles to other movies of hers but they are usually unavailable due to the fact that they only carry one copy of
the film. I agree with you on the movies she did with Clark Gable. On the other hand I read in the book I mentioned, that
her favorite movie was "Paid," which by the way is hard to locate. I found your grandmother to be a strong woman
with tons of energy after reading her words. Many biographies have been written and a movie done by your Aunt. I commend you
for trying to restore Joan Crawford's honor and hard work and dedication to her work and fans. There are many, so many. I
was adopted too but at least I can say that I agree with you when it comes to family, whether she was the famous Joan Crawford
or the woman Bille Cassin. When I watched a special feature of her for the premiere Grand Hotel, she looked and said she was
a shy woman. All in all if you hear her words in the book she wrote she said she has made mistakes and for one is only human.
My question to you is if she saw that she was a legend of her own making how do you think she would have felt knowing she
is still adored and being shown today?
Thank you again for your time.
Yvonne Bachmore
Manhattan, NY
April 16, 2006
Hello Yvonne,
Knowing my grandmother, I believe she was very critical of her own work. She knew when she did a stinker of a film and
she knew when she struck gold. But this was the age of the Hollywood studio system, so until she became an important star,
she took what films came her way. Her middle/late 1940's work on "Mildred Pierce," "Possessed" and "Humoresque"
brought her back from her late MGM downward swing.
Her later work, including my campy favorite "Johnny Guitar," included some wonderful roles. Opposite Jeff Chandler
in "Female on the Beach" and with Cliff Robertson in "Autumn Leaves," she played her roles wonderfully.
For a juicy television role, she worked with a very young Steven Spielberg in 1969 for a Night Gallery episode. She plays
a nasty woman perfectly and pays the ultimate price!
Joan's film "Paid" is a great example of pre-production code Hollywood films. Prior to the production code,
murderers would get away with their crimes, people had extra-marital sex and more. The wonderful "Letty Lynton"
ends with Joan literally getting away with murder. After the introduction of the production code, criminals were sent to jail
and husbands and wives cheated, but it was minimized.
Joan's work is "Paid" is fantastic, but sadly is not currently available on DVD. I plan to work more closely
with the studios to get more and more of her films released on DVD. Warner Brothers did a nice package last year and "Dancing
Lady" is coming out in June.
Joan's "Town Hall" interview in 1973 showed how much her fans adored her and vice versa. After a lifetime of
hard work and perseverance to become an international film star, I think she would be flattered and possibly astounded to
be remembered such lovingly by her fans today.
Thanks for the great question!
April 8, 2006
Dear Casey,
I recently met a lovely elderly English lady who has a hat that she purchased to wear to a special event around 40 years
ago. She says that Joan Crawford wore this hat in one of her movies. The hat is white/cream colored velvet surrounded by white
ostrich feathers as a brim. Could you possibly tell me what movie Joan Crawford wore this hat in and where I might find pictures?
Also, what should I offer her for this hat?
Thank you,
Ed Millwood
Commerce, GA
April 16, 2006
Dear Ed,
This is fascinating. A real detective case! The easiest thing to identify the hat is to get a picture of it. Can you do
that? If possible, please forward it and I will get on the case!
Using Ebay is pretty good method to determine costs on similar items. To collectors and film buffs, items like this are
Thanks for the question!
April 4, 2006
Dear Casey,
I was wondering about the relationship between Joan, your mother, your Aunt, Christina, and Christopher? Was it truely
as awful as she made it in the movie "Mommie Dearest? I believe she was a great actress, a great mother and grandmother.
She was a caring woman and it was tough love and I believe peopleshould open up there eyes and see that.
Atlanta, GA
April 16, 2006
Hello Tamila,
Thanks for the question. This is one of the most asked questions. Christina and Christopher were several years older
than my mother and Aunt Cindy. Their perceived life experiences in the Joan Crawford household could not be more different.
We all know Christina and Christopher's allegations of abuse. My mother and Aunt Cindy claim the opposite. They have repeatedly
stated that Joan was a loving and caring mother.
I believe my mother and Aunt Cindy have not seen Christina or Christopher since at least the funeral in 1977. I cannot
imagine what would happen if you got all four of them in a room together!
Thanks for your wonderful question!
April 4, 2006
Hello Casey,
No question really, just to say that the Crawford fans have another voice to enhance her legacy. I have been a fan since
seeing Mildred Pierce on the big screen at the River Oaks Theater in Houston in 1978. You did not say what your own sister
is doing.
P.S. I do have several of Joan fan letters an elderly gentleman bequeath to me and I cherished them deeply.
Thank you,
Eric Muecke
Houston, TX
April 16, 2006
Hello Eric,
One of the great things about my grandmother is the large amount of correspondence available to collectors. She literally
wrote millions of letters to family, friends and fans over the years, so the quantity and quality of those letters is fantastic.
My sister Carla is, like her mother, a very private person. She currently works retail in the Allentown area.
My thanks to you for being a great Joan fan!
April 4, 2006
Hi Casey,
Great questions and answers. I love Joan Crawford and her movies. It saddened me to hear that Joans' Oscar was sold. Did
you ever hold/see it? Who had possession of it before it was sold?
Thanks Casey!
April 16, 2006
Hello Dana,
Thanks for the question.
As beneficiary of most of the real property from my grandmother's estate, my mother, Cathy, was in possession of the Oscar
from 1977 until 1993. At that time, my mother decided to sell the Oscar, as well as many other artifacts at a Christie's
auction house sale. I was attending college when I heard of the sale and I was not pleased.
As a child growing up, I was always proud of my grandmother's achievement in Mildred Pierce. The Oscar was a neat thing
to have around the house. When I was in high school, I would show the Oscar to my friends.
Although as an adult I realize an Oscar is just a thing, a memento of the past. But it also represents my grandmother's
artistic achievement in her chosen career field. If the Oscar ever comes back up for sale, I will be first in line.
Thanks for the question!
April 3, 2006
Dear Casey,
This is a fantastic idea and I think many Joan Crawford fans are going to be very pleased that you are a part of this
website. What other steps will you take in the future to restore your grandmother's reputation? Would you ever write a book
with your mother and your aunt?
Miami FL
April 5. 2006
Hello Kyle,
I plan to seek additional public appearance opportunities in the future in order to change the general public's perception
of Joan Crawford as a told by Christina Crawford.
A book is a great option and I am exploring the possibilities. My mother and aunt's life with Joan has never been fully
examined. It is time to do so.
Participation with this website and the great assistance of Neil Maciejewski is helping me connect with Joan's legions
of fans in a personal and productive manner.
I will lend support to movie houses, libraries or other institutions willing to hold a Joan movie night or film series.
As I have said before, The Castro's Bette Davis vs. Joan Crawford film series last September in San Francisco was a hit with
So overall, I am exploring any and all possibilities to restore my grandmother's reputation.
Thanks for the great question!
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